The average house price on PREMIER GROVE is £99,536
The most expensive house in the street is 9 PREMIER GROVE with an estimated value of £168,369
The cheapest house in the street is 4 PREMIER GROVE with an estimated value of £71,521
The house which was most recently sold was 1 PREMIER GROVE, this sold on 29 Mar 2023 for £78,000
The postcode for PREMIER GROVE is HU5 2LG
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 PREMIER GROVE Terraced £79,325 £78,000 29 Mar 2023
2 PREMIER GROVE Terraced £87,334 £68,000 14 Jul 2017
3 PREMIER GROVE Terraced £91,098 £53,000 4 Apr 2012
4 PREMIER GROVE Terraced £71,521 £15,250 22 Sep 1998
5 PREMIER GROVE Terraced £115,489 £59,500 31 Aug 2004
7 PREMIER GROVE Terraced £84,269 £67,500 25 Jul 2018
8 PREMIER GROVE Terraced £117,480 £67,995 29 Jan 2010
9 PREMIER GROVE Terraced £168,369 £31,950 18 Apr 1997
10 PREMIER GROVE Terraced £80,944 £65,000 17 May 2019